Friday, December 17, 2010

Business Consultant and Coach (Linked In Profile)

Tiffany Bass Bukow is a serial technology entrepreneur who founded a business accelerator in Florianopolis, Brazil that provides mentoring, support and early seed money to promising high growth technology startups.


ASTIA: Since 2000, served for 12 years on the Advisory Board of a Business Accelerator where I help devise their business growth strategies and hone their offerings for entrepreneurs who have raised over $1B in funding. Participate as a venture conference panelist, business plan screener, pitch evaluator, and mentor to dozens of Astia entrepreneurs.

BOLSA CHEIA: In 2010, co-founded Brazilian personal finance company that was chosen as one of the most promising socially conscious for-profit business ventures in the world by the Cartier Women's Initiative Awards, McKinsey Consulting and Insead Business School. 

HEALTH SERVICES COMPANY: In 2007, created and self-funded a global company that matches professional health services with clients who have unique needs. Due to the innovative implementation of SAS cloud technology to manage operations, achieved profitability after 2 years and continue to grow steadily with a virtual staff of 10 and paying clients from 11 countries. 

THRIVE MEDIA: In 2004, founded and self-funded a socially conscious life affirming TV and radio media company and sold it to Viacom in 2007.

WELLS FARGO: In 2001, closed a million dollar web services consulting deal with one of the biggest banks in the world. Hired and managed a staff of 20 to complete the project on time and budget.

MSMONEY.COM: In 1999, raised $2.5M in venture money, made $1M in first year of operation and educated over 10 million people in 10 years. First Lady Hillary Clinton appeared at MsMoney's launch live on TV.

TIFF.COM: In 1996, started one of the first website development companies that grew from 1 person to 20 in the first year of business after securing contracts with Fortune 100 companies (AOL, Xerox, Sun, Microsoft, Bechtel).


Venture capital, angel investing, seed capital, business accelerators, business incubators, mentoring women, women in business, women entrepreneurs, business coaching, management consulting, social entrepreneur, social media, marketing, technology, personal finance, financial services, public speaking, business writing, digital media, email marketing, social media, website design and development.