All HAIL to the Goddesses Lily and Karen who have created this spectacular book. Though it is diminiutive in size, it is packed with the knowledge women so desperately need to create more happiness and success in their lives.
Watch the YouTube Video to see a glimse of their sparkling personalities. Though nothing can capture the pure essence of actually spending an afternoon with them. I had the luxury of taking a relaxing lunch talking about how we were on the same path of helping make the world a better place for all Goddesses. Ok, we included some chatting about our men too.
My husband happened to call literally one minute after I was raving about his remarkable balance between the Yang (masculine) and Yin (female) energies that balance all lives. Though he isn't perfect by any means (like the rest of us mortals), he does have a good grasp of many things the book talks about in relationship to men.
The afternoon was full of endless giggles. So much so that I am sure the entire restaurant turned around when I laughed out SO LOUD (that you could have heard me from across the street)when Lily and Karen said they videotaped their entire adventure On the Road to No-Oprah (for her open casting calls in L.A. for her new network). Their on the road to no-where adventure did go no-where particular (besides pure fun) since it didn't lead to a spot on OWN. Which, by the way, I can't wait to see!! And I am wondering where is the Ms.Money show? Isn't Suze about to retire and they need some new young blood?
We had a couple synchronistic moments during our sharing that only a true believer of a magical Universe that aligns up for your wishes could fathom. What is this you are saying Ms.Money? You are talking about the Universe, magic and goddesses? Uh - yes. Well, I am writing this after a nice glass of Shiraz with dinner.
How else do you think I was able to get the First Lady (Hillary at the time), to show up in my office for my company launch if I didn't believe in some sort of divine intervention along the way. When you conceive, and believe, you can achieve - as long as you continue to utilize all your resources and best efforts to make your goals happen in multiple creative ways.
What makes the book especially poignant for me are the segments on how women too often view other women (even their best friends!) as adversaries rather than allies. I could never be where I was today if I thought that was true. During some of my darkest moments where I had trouble believing in myself, it wasn't the men in my life that raised me up, it was the thoughts of my dearest soul sisters and their unfailing love for me that gave me the inspiration to keep going. And though I grew up without sisters, I have filled my life with so many now that I feel empowered enough to actually think that I can make a difference and make the world a better place. After educating 5 million women in the world about money, I certainly have my girl friends to thank and should maybe give myself a little pat on my back for even allowing their love into my life (which apparently for us business orientated women can be quite a challenge).
Ladies, I can not recommend enough that you read this book A Feminine Manifesta and learn what holds you back from living your best life so that you can fine tune your actions and draw in a spectacular new future so full of promise that even you will be awed.
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