Friday, October 16, 2009
Life Re-Engineering

Many people resist change because the fear of the unknown is so debilitating. For me, instead, stagnation is the scary thing. I love a new challenge and can't wait for synchronicity to flow into my life to line up people, places and events to benefit me, just like magic.
An example of synchronicity:
Yesterday, I was thinking about this topic of internal innovation and re-invigorating one's life and 4 separate events all happened within a space of hours to support my thoughts and let me know I was indeed on the right track with my life.
Synchronicity #1
I received an email about an upcoming seminar by FWE&E (an organization I used to belong to) in Silicon Valley:
Your Personal Innovation Brand: Shifting Perspectives in Any Economy
Speakers include two fascinating women you should learn more about:
Dee McCrorey, Chief Risk Guru, Innovation Catalyst and Business Coach of Risktaking for Success LLC and
Patti Wilson, Managing Principal of the Career Company. She is an expert in applying Social Networks to help professionals grow their careers opportunities and consulted with Linkedin on growing the subscriber base.
I finally might have some extra time in Brazil to focus on building my social networks and apply them to my new business objectives. These 2 women are experts at career innovation and I love the fact that Dee calls herself a Chief Risk Guru. That might be a title I could see assigning to myself too.
Synchronicity #2
I attended the Wealthy girl reunion in Sausalito on the waterfront with unusually warm weather at night so we sat outside (quite lovely). A photo is included above with me on the right and Adryenn Ashley on the left. Alicia Dunams is the founder of the Wealthy Girl Summit and an amazing woman you will want to know if you are growing your personal brand or career.
The topic for the event was what women were passionate about in their lives and how many of these women re-engineered their lives to follow their dreams. (Perhaps I may have led the round table conversation a teeny bit in this direction.) For example, one woman was a tax attorney who now is a recyled jewelry designer. One of the participants summed up her life change perfectly: "It was either do what I love, or stay at my corporate job and end up in rehab!". I vote for option 1 any day.
Synchronicity #3
An acquaintance happened to show up at the restaurant for the Wealthy Girl event who lived in Brazil for many years and his brother is a real estate developer now in Rio. His brother just sold a $40M building that day. Hmmm ... what a coincidence! I am putting him in touch with Hans (my husband) for some networking! This person also happens to be going through some career (and possibly personal) innovation too due to the struggling economy.
The last time I saw him was down the street and another event that Alicia Dunams helped organized for a book launch, however it was just a coincidence he was there last night.
Synchronicity #4
I picked up an old 2007 Oprah magazine at home (quite by accident) with a cover story titled: Get a Life Lift! The search for meaning, connection, hope and finding what works for you.
Also within this magazine was a quote from Jack Kornfield and his book After the Ecstasy, The Laundry. I bought this book at his Spirit Rock Retreat Center after an amazing day of meditation and dance and the most stunning spiritual meditation and vision I have ever experienced. It is one of my favorite books.
"We don't know all the reasons that propel us on a spiritual journey, but somehow our life compels us to go. Something in us knows that we are not just here to toil at our work. There is a mysterious pull to remember." Jack Kornfield
Ahhhh ... yes, something mysterious is pulling me to Brazil and I look forward to what lies ahead, good or bad, with an open, mind, heart and spirit and of course a magnificent smile (after all it is Brazil - watch the Brazil Olympics video and you will see why smiling mandatory.) The tag line at the end is:
Live Your Passion
Wow ... wasn't I just talking about that?
I guess that makes it Synchronicity #5
By the way ... I have already lived in Brazil a few months 11 years ago and have visited several times since (even spent 3 weeks there last summer). My husband grew up in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We took a year off for our honeymoon and traveled around the world to 50 cities and 30 countries. Visit www.e-trip.com for photos and stories.
Life is adventure ... start living it!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Organizing Heaven
Something is happening in my life and it is a wonderful blessing. Now that my daughter is 8 months old, healthy and happy (and crawling), and my 7 year old son is thriving, I am able to take a breather and focus on myself for a change.
What is the first thing I have done? GET ORGANIZED! Not just my personal life, but also my professional life too. Hurray for MsMoney.com!
You may notice that my Ms.Money blog has a new look to it. I also reorganized my old blog into categories for easy reference into this new blog. Though some articles are a few years old, the content is timeless because it typically makes no reference to current events. This means they are likely still to be relevant to most people's lives regardless of what is happening in the economy or the world in general.
Take a peek and check them out if you haven't already, you may just find the pearls of wisdom you were looking for. And don't forget to share them with others.
*Personal Insight
*Zen and Money
*Children and Money
*Money Savings Tips
*Health and Money
*Holiday Spending Tips
*Emotions and Money
*Tax Time Tips
*Women And Money
*Personal Finance
I am committing to blog every day now for the next 30 days and aim to share personal insights and news that can help empower you personally and financially!
With love,
What is the first thing I have done? GET ORGANIZED! Not just my personal life, but also my professional life too. Hurray for MsMoney.com!
You may notice that my Ms.Money blog has a new look to it. I also reorganized my old blog into categories for easy reference into this new blog. Though some articles are a few years old, the content is timeless because it typically makes no reference to current events. This means they are likely still to be relevant to most people's lives regardless of what is happening in the economy or the world in general.
Take a peek and check them out if you haven't already, you may just find the pearls of wisdom you were looking for. And don't forget to share them with others.
*Personal Insight
*Zen and Money
*Children and Money
*Money Savings Tips
*Health and Money
*Holiday Spending Tips
*Emotions and Money
*Tax Time Tips
*Women And Money
*Personal Finance
I am committing to blog every day now for the next 30 days and aim to share personal insights and news that can help empower you personally and financially!
With love,
*Women And Money
Retirement Scare: Listen Up Ladies!
Stay-at-Home Moms lose $1 Million
OnRamping for Your Encore
Who Wears the Money Pants in Your Family?
Time Poverty
Ambition - Not a dirty word today.
Reclaiming Ambition as a Virtue for Women
Who is Your Cheerleading Squad?
Rock Stars the Other Gender
Women Wanted as Financial Advisors
Wealthy Girl Summit a Huge Success
Stay-at-Home Moms lose $1 Million
OnRamping for Your Encore
Who Wears the Money Pants in Your Family?
Time Poverty
Ambition - Not a dirty word today.
Reclaiming Ambition as a Virtue for Women
Who is Your Cheerleading Squad?
Rock Stars the Other Gender
Women Wanted as Financial Advisors
Wealthy Girl Summit a Huge Success
*Personal Finance
Retirement Savings a Challenge for Most
Should the Government Solve Our Debt Crisis For Us?
4 out of 5 Not Saving Adequately Says WachoviaCan I Use Regular Gas in My Premium Car?
Finding Financial Wisdom in Unconvential Places
Salary CalculatorCan You Be Wealthy & an Environmentalist?
Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Refine Success Vision

I attended last week the 14th annual Financial Women's Association (FWA) Woman of the Year luncheon that honored Janet Lamkin President of Bank of America California.
It was held at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in San Francisco which I believe has to be one of the most beautiful city hotels I have ever seen. If you have never been, it is worth having lunch in the Garden Court.
Thanks to Financial Planner Michelle Alberda for hosting a table and inviting me to attend. Michelle was a former President of the FWA, master networker, and founder of Skirts Network: SKIRTS was founded to provide a forum for professional women to share ideas, best practices, trials and tribulations so that we can learn and grow together.
I am always inspired at events like this and love attending. In fact in 2005 I covered the FWA's 50th anniversary luncheon with its original founders. I was only one of two press people invited and fully enjoyed the stories the women provided about what corporate life was like for women in the late 50s. After seeing a few episodes of Mad Men, I have trouble imagining how these women rose to the top amidst such strong stereotypes and such a pull to conform to societies needs for women to stay home and nurture the family.
This years FWA luncheon surprised me on several accounts.
1. The event was sold out! In fact they raised 30% more than their fundraising goals. Every non-profit right now probably wants to know their secret for securing donations.
2. FWA has awarded a whopping $1.5M in scholarships to deserving young women attending schools in the Bay Area that are studying financial careers.
3. Half of the scholarship winners were focused on empowering the impoverished financially. Hmmmm ... sounds familiar (like Ms.Money's mission). I better start calling them and offering them the 1,000 evergreen Ms.Money articles for free for their non-profit use. They don't have the 2009 Scholarship winners up yet, so I am going to link to the 2008 winners.
4. That I cried. (I wasn't the only one). Now that I have a daughter (who is 8 months old), I can just imagine how proud I would feel if her video was being shown at this event showcasing her passion for empowering women financially in the world.
5. How much Janet Lamkin has accomplished in her life. Wow! Does she sleep? It is possible, if I never had to sleep, I could accomplish 50% of what she has.
6. That many business women's organizations tend to honor women with heroic achievements who are single and childless. I remember when FWE honored Pat House and the video didn't contain any immediate family members such as children or a husband. And those attending were people like her tennis pro and her massage therapist. I noticed VC Ann Windblad was also at this FWA luncheon and was honored by the FWA in previous years. She also has never been married nor had children.
Come to think of it, Oprah falls into these ranks too. She is the richest women in the world ... isn't she? And one of the hardest working, which would be impossible to achieve by dividing her attention between work and family.
I see a theme happening here. It appears that most (not all because look at Hillary Clinton, Meg Whitman, Barbara Walters, ) of the very successful women in the world have gone solo. This makes sense to me considering what it took me to create MsMoney.com - $3.5M and nearly 100 people I hired and managed in just 2 years. I lived, breathed and ate MsMoney.com. There certainly were not many attention morsels left for anyone else (such as my adoring husband.) Luckily he is an entrepreneur too and understands how much time and commitment it takes to launch a company. I am sure is thankful now I have trekked down a different life path that contains more inner peace and quiet time with the kids.
I knew early that to "have it all", I couldn't have it all at once. Hence, why I wrote a segment for the book:
Inside the Minds: Leading Women
What it Takes for Women to Succeed and Have it All in the 21st Century I wrote that 10 years ago and it still rings true to me today.
Mint.com $170M sale to Intuit made me think about reviving MsMoney.com and raising more money. Only for a split second before I told myself I was out of my mind. I spent a lot of the original investment dollars in 2000 building out the underlying software for account aggregation that made Mint.com a fledgling success. Mint.com was backed by $32M not $3M like we were. The MsMoney.com business plan required another $20M in investment for marketing dollars to advertise. We obviously never obtained this due to the dotcom implosion, otherwise you would see a very different kind of MsMoney.com now. So, instead, we now focus on education and not financial technology tools because they need much deeper pockets for success.
Recently, a new competitor to MsMoney.com has joined the fray and just raised $1M and wants to enter the financial tools arena too. The company is called LearnVest and is founded by 28 year old Alex Von Tobel. It also focuses on empowering women financially. Alex has just the right combinations of youth, ambition and connections to take LearnVest to market in a Mint.com kind of way. Good luck Alex ... I will be rooting for you. LearnVest is part of the Astia program. MsMoney.com was incubated at Astia 10 years ago and I have been sitting on the Advisory Board for the last 8 years. I spend a considerable amount of time mentoring women entrepreneurs and helping screen hundreds of women owned technology companies that would make good candidates for Venture Capital investment.
Right after I launched MsMoney.com in early 2000 with the First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in our offices for the official ribbon cutting, 7 other competitors launched that aimed to empower women financially. Every one of them ran out of money within a year. I wonder how many new financially empowering companies (whether aimed at women or everyone) will crop up and which ones will bear fruit or end up withering on the vine.
I decided long time again, after nearly a 10 year battle with infertility, that I was going to refine my vision for success. My life would not be summed up by how many Charitable or Corporate Boards I sat on, how many millions of dollars I raised or made, or my business prowess as a big time corporate leader (aka an FWA honoree). I tried all those things and realized in my 30's that the most important thing in life to me was to feel inner peace and joy and to share that love with my two children and husband.
Now that doesn't mean I have stopped being an entrepreneur, or squelched my dreams of having a creative impact on the world through business and philanthropy, it just means I will never be on the stage with Janet Lamkin, because I couldn't possibly do everything she does and still have time for all that precious cuddling and snuggling I get from my family. And when would I ever have time to get to a dance class or the gym? Or a glass of wine with girl friends?
So, no revival for MsMoney.com. I now tell people, that I consider MsMoney.com my philanthropy and it will continue to serve as a beacon of educational light for women, children and families looking to take those first steps to money management and financial success.
Send your moms, daughters, sisters, aunts, girl friends and neighbors over to http://www.blogger.com/www.msmoney.com.
Thanks to the FWA for inspiration on the title of this blog. They are sponsoring an event titled:
The Financial Women's Association Of San Francisco -East Bay
and the Center for the Regional Economy at Saint Mary's CollegePresents An Industry Leadership Series Event
"Redefine Your Vision of Success - People, Planet, and Yes, Profit"
Attitude of Abundance
The news of an economic recovery is slow arriving leaving many of us asking questions what to do next. Though we may see our savings dwindling each day, it doesn't mean our shiny disposition needs to go with it. This is an excellent time to take stock of what is really important to us. Perhaps we will have to forgo the family vacation this year or the new fall wardrobe. Maybe even turn off those premium cable channels! With all this extra time we have at home saving instead of spending, why not delve into our inner lives to tap the wellspring of eternal hope and optimism?
Take a weekend and rummage through the garage, closets and drawers and you are likely to find years of treasures long forgotten. We don't always have to buy something new to feel that we are living abundant lives. Pull out the items you love and display them out in the open to remind yourself what a terrific life you have lived so far and plan to do more in the future.
Cutting back after so many years of living with a steady flow of money can seem depressing, but it doesn't have to me. This extra time you have can be used to develop and cherish good friends, which all know is a free activity and one that nurtures the heart and soul much more complete than a new iphone.
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